Here are just a few of our most popular engraving samples.

John Robert George – Owner

Born To Ride!
John R. George

Proud to Be an American!
John R. George
~Born to Ride~

WE Make a Great Team!
John and Amy
November 2nd, 1991
Our Wedding Day

Wedding of the Year!
John & Amy Stoneman
November 2nd, 1991

Most Valuable Ring Bearer
Jack Stoneman
John & Amy Stoneman
November 2nd, 1991

To a couple that isn’t getting older..’re getting better!
Love, Liz & Cameron
November 2nd, 2002

Happy 50th Anniversary
John & Amy
You make a Fabulous Team!
November 2nd, 2041

30 Years ago you both…
…stepped up to the plate,
What a Winning Team!
Love – Liz & Cameron

John H. Stoneman-Veteran
Because of your Sacrifice..
..we still play the game today.
With Gratitude – LV Baseball

Our Star Player
Cameron Stoneman
April 26th, 1997

Here She Is!
Elizabeth Stoneman
October 10th, 1996

Here He Is!
Cameron Stoneman
April 26th, 1997

Most Valuable Newborn
Elizabeth Stoneman
October 10th, 1996
8lbs, 6oz, 20 inches

Most Valuable Baby
Elizabeth Stoneman
October 10th, 1996
8lbs, 6oz, 20 inches

Our Star Player
Cameron Stoneman
Happy 9th Birthday
April 26th, 2006

Most Valuable Player!!
Cameron Stoneman
Happy 9th Birthday
April 26th, 2006

Life can be an Adventure…
…If you let it be.
Go for It!

We only regret…
…the things we didn’t do.
Just Go For It!

Most Valuable Coach 2002!!
Jeff George
Newport Minors Baseball

Newport Minors
2002 Midstate League

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
– Eleanor Roosevelt

They always say time changes
things, but you actually
have to change them yourself.
– Andy Warhol

Too often we… enjoy the
comfort of opinion without
the discomfort of thought.
– John F. Kennedy

A business that makes
nothing but money is
a poor kind of business.
– Henry Ford

is more important
than knowledge.
– Albert Einstein